WOW! It’s that time of year again already. Spring is finally here, bringing with it hopes of better days to come, beautiful warm weather and dreamy star-filled nights. Rather than focus on our usual goals of beautifying our houses and yards and all the other things that go into “spring cleaning,” maybe this year we can focus on getting ourselves in a better place – emotionally, physically and spiritually, and doing some “spring cleaning” in our daily lives.

Usually when one thinks of “spring cleaning” the first things that come to mind are some of the following:

*shedding the long sleeve shirts, sweaters, and jackets and replacing them with our fun-loving, brightly colored spring and summer clothing that brings smiles to our faces

*going shopping for new clothes, shoes, and accessories and bringing out the bathing suits and sandals

*going to the gym to get our bodies “beach ready” and looking our best

*making sure our homes look beautiful and the grass is lush and green and our gardens are bursting with beautiful colorful flowers

*looking forward to spending time in the great outdoors with family and friends at cookouts, parties and days at the beach.

Maybe this year we should take the time to focus more on getting in a better frame of mind and focusing on the things that matter even more than the tangible things in life and focus on what is most important – our relationship with our family and friends. Of utmost importance to achieving this goal is focusing on improving our own health and living the best possible life we can. This requires us to do some “spring cleaning” in our own lives and focus on ensuring that we are in our best health – physically, mentally and spiritually. Simple changes such as

*increasing water intake and cutting down soda/ juices/ caffeine

*cutting down alcohol use

*quitting smoking or use of other illicit drugs

*increasing exercise

* finding better ways to cope with the anxiety and stressors that life throws our way

are paramount in helping us achieve a happier and more fulfilling life.

Our “spring cleaning series” in the upcoming weeks will focus on multiple health issues, tips and recommendations to help make your life better by helping rid your ‘closets’ of bad habits and replacing them with brighter, healthier alternatives.

Now is the time to put yourself first and take the time to address all those things you have been putting off. Make your appointment to see a physician and have that physical exam to be sure you are up to date with health maintenance issues for your age including labs, imaging studies, cancer screenings, and immunizations. The time for “spring cleaning” begins now.

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