Warning: Flu Season Ahead

The FLU season is here! It is extremely important that you immunize yourself and loved ones against the FLU- it is not too late. Every year thousands of people die from the FLU or complications secondary to this virus. Those at highest risk include infants, the elderly and those with immunocompromised immune systems- whether it be from medications, chemotherapy or multiple underlying medical issues. Anyone can get the FLU and that is why everyone should be protected. Some of the ways you can protect yourself and loved ones
The signs of the flu include sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, sore throat, and generalized body aches. The symptoms are very similar to those of the common cold. If the flu is detected within the first 48 hours of presentation, there is a medication that can be given to lessen the side effects and symptoms of the flu called Tamiflu.
Hand washing is key to help prevent the spread of infection and it is a good habit to get into on a regular basis. If you are sick with upper respiratory symptoms, be sure to sneeze into a tissue or your shirt sleeve and cover your mouth. Infection can be spread in respiratory droplets. Wipe down the keyboards and the common areas with Clorox or Lysol wipe to prevent the spreading. Take care to avoid going out to public places if you do not feel well so as not to expose others to your germs. Although your immune system may be able to fight it off, others around you may be at a higher risk. Remember that prevention can help save lives. Get yourself immunized today.
If the symptoms do not improve, call your doctor or go to ER.